Buffalo Grass Fertilisers

Buffalo grass is a popular choice for lawns in Australia due to its broad and soft leaf. This rand of products is perfect for use on Buffalo Grass to give your lawn the essential nutrients it needs throughout the year. Buffalo grass, known for its ability to thrive in lower...

Buffalo grass is a popular choice for lawns in Australia due to its broad and soft leaf. This rand of products is perfect for use on Buffalo Grass to give your lawn the essential nutrients it needs throughout the year.

Buffalo grass, known for its ability to thrive in lower light areas, it is ideal for smaller backyards throughout Australia. However, to achieve the best results, it requires a balanced fertiliser that caters to your lawns requirements depending on the season. Our range ofFertilisers contain a blend of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, along with trace elements like iron and magnesium, which are crucial for the development of deep roots and rich foliage.

Nitrogen is vital for promoting vigorous growth and enhancing the colour of buffalo grass. Phosphorus supports root development, ensuring the grass can access water and nutrients from the soil effectively. Potassium strengthens the grass, improving its resistance to diseases and environmental stresses, such as drought and heavy foot traffic. These primary nutrients, combined with essential trace elements, ensure your lawn remains healthy and visually appealing throughout the year.

Applying our fertiliser is straightforward and fits seamlessly into your lawn care routine. For best results, using fertilisers tailored to the season will give your lawn the nutrients it needs when it needs it. This ensures the grass gets a steady supply of nutrients, promoting sustained growth and resilience in each season.

For a typical lawns in Australia, it's recommended to apply the granular fertiliser every 8-10 weeks during the growing season.

In addition to enhancing growth and colour, our range of fertilisers can also help improve soil structure and microbial activity. The inclusion of organic matter supports beneficial soil organisms, which play a crucial role in breaking down organic material and releasing nutrients that are readily available for grass uptake. This holistic approach to lawn care ensures that your buffalo grass remains not only aesthetically pleasing but also healthy from the ground up.